Nyagus_Speaking_JPEGQuestion:....What made you want to write fictional books,for children?

My answer: ...A PASSION TO GIVE BACK..I was born in Kenya but I have lived in the USA most of my life. This book project gives me a perfect opportunity to give back to both US and Africa while advocating for literacy.

Question: OK, I can reason with "a passion to give back" and even literacy but, please tell us what would possess a Finance Professional to think that they have the necessary skills to write fictional books for kids???

My answer: ...Maybe the same thing that possessed the Wright brothers to think that they could build an airplane... I don't know...The truth is, the opportunity presented itself somewhat divinely, I just had to pursue.

Question:...Still, your combination of skills, (creativity and business finance) don't usually come together. How do you think these diverse personality traits and skills manifested themselves in you?

My answer: My business skills were very useful in setting up this project, as for the rest...

Well, researchers say that our individual personalities develop somewhere between the age of 2-6 (to me that is God given). Your personality explains your skills and your passion. True, my personality traits are broad and not all that ordinary, but then again, aren't we all unique. This is me, history and all:

(C) I have always been skilled with numbers and I enjoyed business therefore, I acquired a BBA and an MBA in Finance early in my career. An extensive career in Treasury and Accounting is therefore an outcome of my natural skills reinforced with great training. I have been a Director of Finance, a Treasury Manager and a Financial Analyst. I have also worked for reputable companies such as Home Depot, AT&T and Freddie Mac.

(S) Naturally, I am also calm but, I can be also be witty. This is what makes me appear quiet yet, some get surprised that I am never afraid to express myself.

(D) From a